What are the symptoms for tuberculosis?

by Symptom Advice on December 28, 2010


The best way to know is to go to your local health dept to get a skin test for it….they are free.

Good Luck

The most common are night sweats, chronic cough(more than 3 weeks), fatigue, and unexplained weight loss. Diagnosis is done several ways. One is a skin test by which they inject a small amount of liquid between the layers of skin and it forms a bubble which recedes in a matter of hours. the person who is injected must then go back and have the site of injection looked at. if it is red and hard that means you have been exposed to TB and your body have antibodies to it. the follow up is then to have a chest x-ray done. sometimes cultures of the sputum are also performs. however, there is now a new blood test called a Quantiferon Gold assay study that can be done and will not only tell if a has been exposed to TB but if they have latent TB that was not detectable on x-ray.

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