my dog is trying to sleep, but she's in pain & whimpering here & there & keeps switching her sleeping position. she hasnt eaten all day. what could be wrong?
she was perfectly fine yesterday. these symptoms started today.
please help!
sounds like she's hungry?
She could be dreaming but the eating—-IDK.
She needs a vet, not having an appetite and clearly in pain is not good. :-s Get her there ASAP! she could've gotten into something.
Is she also shivering or excessively licking any part of her body? how can you be sure its stomach pain? Keep in mind that dachsunds are prone to back issues early on, so she may be having trouble getting comfortable due to back pain. Upset tummy in dogs usually manifests with vomiting and or loose stool long before not eating comes into play. Has she had and runny bowel movements or vomiting?