What are the symptoms of a rabbit with rabies?

by Symptom Advice on August 4, 2011

a rabbit is in my yard running around fuirously in small circles as though he is trying to catch his tail. He has been doing this for a least 25 minutes. He'll stop for a few seconds and then run around like he is mad. do you think he has rabies?

If he has had rabies shot he'll be fine, if not I'm not sure. He would not have much fear of things he normally would he would be aggressive. Call a vet and ask them their opinion on your rabbit.

I don't know if the rabbit has rabies but he's face would look kinda poor looking. And don't let him bite you, you might want to leave him alone so the rabbit leaves but if he doesn't, u either kill the rabbit or grab him with gloves and put him somewhere else

possibly foamy mouth?

He doesn't have rabies, he's just not very intelligent lol. jk

If he has red eyes

outer mouth is wet

discoloured urine

… he's fuck3d

It is possible that it has rabies, but not necessarily so . . .

Regarding wild rabbits, I found this advice:

"…Please note any mammal is capable of contracting the Rabies virus!
If the animal is acting strangely, such as walking/spinning in circles,
frothing at the mouth, or acting abnormal or confused
do NOT approach the animal or attempt capture.
Please contact the hospital immediately or call 911 if after operating hours…

"…animals with head trauma or other bacterial or viral diseases may present with similar symptoms.

"Symptoms of rabies in an animal generally fall into one of two groups—mad and dumb:
Mad- the animal is displaying symptoms of aggression, drooling or foaming, out and in view at times and in areas not normal, and approaching both other animals (such as dogs and cats) and or humans. these animals will bit without provocation or warning and in some cases will chase after a person or animal.
Dumb- the animal is displaying symptoms of tameness or lack of fear, approaches but without apparent aggression, or has paralysis that begins in the hind quarters and progresses forward. these animals will also bite without provocation or warning."

Piedmont Wildlife Center
Durham, NC

I saw a skunk with rabies once. It kept charging at my beagle mix, & skidding on the decomposed granite, making a hissing noise that I think was caused by its nails skidding across the 'DG', which noise excited my dog to no end. He was yapping up a storm, but as I watched each advance & skid of the skunk, it never tried to attack –or spray– him. So, I went out with my leash & brought the dog in when it retreated for another intended advance. I then kept watching the skunk, & it remained in the yard for some time, running & skidding at nothing. It's nervous system was so overexcited that it couldn't stop. A few days later we noticed the smell of rotting flesh a few hundred feet beyond our fence, on my dad's property. It looked like that skunk. I feel sure it had rabies. Maybe it had lockjaw by the time we had the encounter, but for whatever reason, we were very fortunate to have avoided getting bitten.

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