What are the symptoms of bladder cancer?

by Symptom Advice on January 29, 2011

For those of you who have had bladder cancer or know someone that has or had it could you please tell me what the symptoms are? I'm very worried this is what I have. thanks

Blood in the urine is often the first sign of bladder cancer. although large amounts of blood are readily visible, small amounts can be found by examining the urine under a microscope or by a simple chemical test that is available in any doctor's office. Blood in the urine is usually caused by benign conditions such as infections. But a small percentage of people with blood in their urine have bladder cancer.

The most common symptom is blood in the urine (hematuria). The blood can be very obvious (red or pink urine, called "gross" hematuria), or nearly or completely invisible (called "occult" hematuria.) this can come and go, which is why a correct diagnosis is often missed. Since blood in the urine can also be caused by urinary tract infection, doctors often prescribe antibiotics. when the blood goes away, the doctor is convinced that the diagnosis is correct. as a result, the bladder cancer continues to grow.

Other symptoms can include frequency and/or urgency of urination, pain while urinating, and bladder spasms. unfortunately, these can also be symptoms of urinary tract infection.

The only way to know for sure whether you have bladder cancer or not is to see a urologist for a cystoscopic exam. this is considered to be the "gold standard" of bladder cancer diagnosis, and nothing else, at present, can take its place.

Hi. my best friend died because although he had had symptoms, he left it too late.

His symptoms were blood in the urine (this would come and go); lower back pain, stomach pain and needing to go to the toilet frequently.

Please, please do not leave this. go to the Doctor next week and get checked out.

Good luck, my friend.

We use this sight all the time. Don't wait too long to see a Dr. You can't put it off if it IS cancer. take care! now.webmd.com/?tag=

not being mean but it is called colion cancer and my aunt died from it about 6 months ago she said she had noticed when she had bad pains in her belly it was awful when she died do ur family a favor and see the doctor

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