What are the symptoms of cervical cancer?

by Symptom Advice on December 26, 2010

Is pain in the side and weakness in the legs a symptom of cervical cancer?

get a pap smear,…which reminds me, need to get one done for this year

If you are worried, you want to get checked out. It can appear with or without any family history of cancer(I know). It can also appear without any symptoms. But mine were heavy periods that would not stop for weeks. And please if any one does have cervical cancer, do not allow your doctor to do only a cervical ablation(burning the cervix to remove the cancer). Some cancer cells may still be left behind, but now they will be covered by the skin that was burned and it will not show up on a pap test.

pain while urinating, and even, unusual color of your urine..

what i normally see an abnormal pap, heavy bleeding and abdominal pain, but alot of the time there are few or no symptoms.

Many times thesymptoms are mistaken for an abnormal period.

We can be proactive. Get a yearly pap and an HPV test.

There are NO symptoms that is why it is very sneaky and dangerous. if you are worried for ANY reason go get a pap smear test to be sure.
Don't forget to have that test every year to be on the safe side.

Good luck!!!

Try here for answer


Please see the webpages for more details and images on Cervical cancer.

Bleeding post menopausal is a symptom. if there are symptoms, it is far advanced and patient did not have Pap smears.

the symptoms of cervical cancer will be according to the extension of the tumor,the person who has suspicions must undergo investigations.side pain with weakness could be from cervical cancer or another associated disease you must visit a doctor.good luck

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