What are the symptoms of liver damage / disease?

by Symptom Advice on March 25, 2011

Can anyone tell me what the symptoms of liver damage or liver disease are?

nausea, vomiting, fatigue, diahrea, bloody vomit or poo. skin/eyes turn yellow. confusion, more bleeding, coma, death.

Well, that depends what type of liver disease you mean, but here are typical symptoms-

liver enlargement
portal hypertension
liver encephalopathy
liver failure

Failure of the liver can lead to yellow shade in your skin.

Jaundice (yellwoing of skin) is probably the most common. Also a high unconjugated bilirubin count in your blood tests is an early sign.

At advanced stages, you will have abdominal pain, blood in urine, black blood in stools, and high blood pressure. certain foods will also cause pain, such as fatty foods, etc.

I think you first will tend to be a yellowy color..jaundice…then other problems will start…the whites of your eyes become yellowy…it isn't a good thing…

Pain on the right side of your stomach or chest–sharp pain, or even crampy pains. Yellow in your eyeballs, yellowish tint on the skin, with tiredness and feeling lousy.

If you have drank a lot of alcohol, taken a lot of cholesterol medication, taken a great amount of tylenol (over a period of time) you are at a greater risk for liver damage. Some other meds can also damage the liver–but the three I've mentioned are the most common.

Symptoms of serious liver damage include jaundice (yellowing of skin or whites of the eyes) and brown urine. other, less specific symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, light-colored stools, unusual tiredness, weakness, stomach pain, and loss of appetite.
cirrhosis symptoms:
Fluid buildup in the legs (edema) and the abdomen (ascites).
Yellowing of the skin (jaundice).
Itching (pruritus).
Profuse nosebleeds (epistaxis).
Redness of the palms.
Small red spots and tiny lines on the skin called spider angiomas.
Bleeding from enlarged veins (varices) in the digestive tract.
Bruising easily.
Weight loss and muscle wasting.
Abdominal pain.
Frequent infections.

Enlarged liver
Jaundice (yellowing of the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes)

there are many types of liver disease including:
Alagille Syndrome, Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency, Autoimmune Hepatitis, Biliary Atresia, Chronic Hepatitis, Cancer of the Liver,
Cirrhosis, Liver Cysts, Fatty Liver, Galactosemia, Gilbert's Syndrome, Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, Hepatitis a, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis, Reye's Syndrome, Sarcoidosis, Tyrosinemia, TypeI Glycogen Storage Disease, Wilson's Disease, NonAlchoholic SteatoHepatitis, Porphyria, Hemochromatosis.
you can actually be sick for a long time before you know that you have liver disease thereby making the damage quite extensive by the time you are diagnosed.
but diagnosis is so easy, most tests are done with a simple blood test, unless there is a reason to go more extensive and get a liver biopsy. take care of your liver~it is a very important organ and very hard to cure.

agrees with breezy and take lot of milk thistle and liver detox tea helps as well.I have darn biopsy tuesday.just hangv in there and try all you can

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