What are the symptoms of multiple sclerosis and what are the chances of recovery?

by Symptom Advice on January 9, 2011

You dont recover, its a progressive disease.

take a look here

My mum as ms her was very slow devolopping and took a long time to get a diagnosis,, her first signs of it were pins and needles and bladder problems mum has suffered with it now for four yrs she has Good days n bad days she suffers with muscle cramps and muscle spasms,,, if you think you r showing symptoms go c your doc he will refer you to a neurologist,,, in the meantime there are lots of good web sites that tell you all about ms try the ms society,,,, and unfortunately there is no cure,, good luck xx

MS can cause a variety of symptoms, including changes in sensation, visual problems, muscle weakness, depression, difficulties with coordination and speech, severe fatigue, cognitive impairment, problems with balance, overheating, and pain. MS will cause impaired mobility and disability in more severe cases. Relapses, also called exacerbations, can cause new symptoms to appear and old ones to resurface or worsen. the relapses are followed by periods of remission, during which time the person fully or partially recovers from the deficits acquired during the relapse.

i have ms i saw diagnosed last august i went into rention and i had leg weakness they found out i had it by lumper puncture i am on avonex which is a beta inferon i have it once a week i also go in a oxgyen chamber once a week i had relapse remitting ms am very postive and do all the things i did before but when i need toi rest i do as i get tired alot hope thuis helps and there is a ms website there are lots of symptoms

This disease is thought to be the result of an immunologic mechanism,from a unidentified latent virus which when activated,triggers a secondary immune response,causing a demyelonization in the brain and spinal cord.Common early symptoms include visual and oculomotor abnormalities,numbness,weakness,and muscle spasticity. Every patient is affected in a different manner, severity,and progression .there is no cure for MS.It's characterized by multiple neurological deficits along with remissions,and progression of areas affected. there is much info at the MS web page. Take care. SW RNP

I have a disease that mimics MS. Symptoms can be the same. there is no cure for either as both are autoimmune diseases. the difference is there are no tests that can 100% prove MS, but Antiphospholipid Syndrome can be diagnosed with blood tests. here is a good link


Lifelong condition, no cure. mssociety.org.uk

It can affect prople differently, personally I have permanent nerve damage, right leg, paralysis right foot nystagmus (less common than optic neutitis – eye condition) which affects my balance more than the dead leg and foot!

There is no saying how it will affect each individual, I've been diagnosed 8 years and it's the last two that have caused the 'permanent' damage. although during relapses I've had many other symptoms which have cleared up – more or less.

If you've been diagnosed, push for all the help you can get, the earlier the better. some people have much milder symptoms, you can live a relatively normal life with MS, just listen to your own body, and make sure the doc knows what's going on – don't ever think you're being a nuisance!

Good luck

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