I know some like you can develop osteoporosis, and you can loose your period.
But what are all of them?
There are countless mental and health problems associated with anorexia.
Hair loss or brittleness/drying of the hair, brittle nails, dry skin. This is due to lack of essential vitamins and minerals. Solution- take a multiple vitamin every day (a calorie-free way to put some good stuff in to your system) and apply shea butter to face and skin once a day.
Weakened thyroid. This will cause extreme fatigue. Solution- take thyroid pills.
Poor blood circulation. This will result in feeling cold all the time and/or discolored skin, particularly in the feet (they may turn blue or purple).
Weakened vision and potential blindness, due to lack of essential vitamins and minerals. Solution- eat a lot of carrots. They are a negative calorie and contain Beta Carotene which improves vision.
Lowered metabolism from lack of nutrition.
Weight loss (that's an obvious one!)
That's all I can think of at the moment. if you're anorexic and are experiencing period problems, take iron supplements. Anorexics commonly lose periods because their bodies are retaining iron.
The biggest one is death!!! Anorexia severely weakens your heart. the one of the biggest causes of death in anorexic patience is heart related. your organs shut down. your hair falls out. Many many things.