What is the remedy for Hepatitis B Infection?

by Symptom Advice on January 7, 2011

A person accidentally noticed infected with Hepatitis B about 2 years back. But the person is seems to be healthy and no symptoms or any other uneasy symptoms regarding Hepatitis B experienced so far. more over he is not taking any medicines against it. His appetite is OK. Digestion is OK. very often he used to consume little alcohol. will he survive for many years? what precautions he must take? Any suggestions please from learned and experienced peoples?

First quit Alcohol if He wants to survive for long
Second Treatment include
Interferon alpha injections. or PEG-interferon
a little costly
Prognosis (probable outcome of a disease) depends upon His
a PCR test that determine the viral load or if the virus is active or not
Ultrasound of abdomen
Maybe Liver Biopsy
Precautions : Dont use used syringes, Blades, or contact with blood any type or may be sex, with a person having Hep B

Goto Doctor (Gastroenterologist)

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