What symptoms or illness' are treated with medical marijuana?

by Symptom Advice on February 5, 2011

ive just been informed that medical marijuana is now legal in MI and i was curious to kno if i have any of the symptoms or illness' and if i do is it hard to get a medical marijuana card?

* Cancer
* Glaucoma
* Positive status for human immunodeficiency virus
* Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
* Hepatitis C
* Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS – Lou Gehrig's Disease)
* Crohn's disease
* Agitation of Alzheimer's disease
* Nail patella
* cachexia or wasting syndrone;
* severe and chronic pain;
* nausea;
* seizures, including but not limited to those characteristic of epilepsy;
* severe and persistent muscle spasms, including but not limited to those characteristic of multiple sclerosis

NOT MY WORDS, DIRECT FROM michiganmedicalmarijuana.org/node/858

And I'd like to point out the fact that the diseases that doctors can deem Medical marijuana acceptable for varies from state to state. Above is the list from Michigan, which has about 13 acceptable conditions. and then there's California, which has over 250 acceptable conditions for Medical marijuana.

glaucoma for one, which is a dryness of the eyes, or the inability to tear up. then there is nausea, which is often a symptom of radiation treatment such as chemotherapy. also it takes away the pms edge and it gives a person an appetite. not to mention the fact that the cannabis sativa plant is the highly most useful natural resource that we have on this planet.
*food…the seeds can be made in to a porridge that has 23 amino acids that the human body needs to be properly nutritionalized. it is the only food that by itself has everything that we need to be healthy.
*clothing…can be used to make thread or rope and then can be woven into clothing, bags, twine etc.
*paper products
*fuel, can you imagine what it would be like if there were no oil wars going on right now? oh what would we do with all of that extra money?
*spirits…you can brew a brew out of this wonderful plant…yum yum
and last but not least the effects of smoking or eating marijuana are very therapeutic.. it enhances your creativity and expands your mind!
So thanks to our creator for the wonderful gift that "he " has given to us! There is a reason that this plant is a weed and not some kind of orchid or other hard to thrive fancy plant. though it is illegal here in this free county, U.S.A. it is the one natural resource that could actually help the planet out with many of it's issues. and for crying out loud, it's just a damn weed!

Ask your doctor if you qualify.

The following sites contain a LOT of really helpful information, you should check them out
Also, for some informative medical marijuana videos, visit:

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