Why do I only have flu symptoms at home?

by Symptom Advice on April 25, 2011

I need help, I get flu symptoms but mostly when I'm at home only and they disappear when I'm outside. what could be wrong? what could I be allergic to. this only began this winter

Do you have a carbon monoxide detector?

The most common symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning may resemble other types of poisonings and infections, including symptoms such as headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue and a feeling of weakness.

If you have these symptoms, get you home checked for carbon monoxide right away. go to a neighbors and borrow theirs to check your house tonight. Carbon Monoxide poisoning can be fatal.

If its during winter, could be due to the air circulation by your heater. there may be dust/mold flying, have your air quality checked, and get an air purifier for the room you sleep in and turn it on when you sleep. it may be too late now (check in your area) but it's a good idea to get your furnace cleaned every 2 years (or less).

You are allergic to dust. Since the heater has been going it's been stirring up the dust and burning it. just take some allergy medicine.

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