Wibbla Article Directory » Vaginal Warts – The Things Every Female Really Needs To Be Aware Of To Cope

by Symptom Advice on December 4, 2010

The HPV virus is typically considered as just a single virus. But, it is really a part of a family of greater than 100 assorted virus strains, and is actually the most common family of viruses in the world. the different strains cause numerous problems, with some leading to very serious health problems.

There are over thirty strains of the virus which can affect the genital area, and can bring about cell abnormalities which may ultimately result in cervical cancer. further strains, which affect the genital area, may cause genital warts and anal warts.

Intimate skin contact is the typical means by which the virus is passed from one person to another. it doesn’t always need sexual intercourse for the virus to be transferred. Every skin to skin contact with the genital area can easily pass the virus from one infected individual to someone else.

So just what are the warning signs of HPV?

Now, for many people there may not be any signs or symptoms. It’s quite possible for the HPV virus to stay hidden in the body, quietly causing the body’s cells to undergo abnormal changes.

In females the abnormal changes are particularly worrying as they frequently affect the cervix, and if left unnoticed can lead to cancer. It’s for that reason that it is really important that women get regular Pap tests to detect any cell abnormalities before they develop into something potentially deadly.

On the ocassions there are signs and symptoms of an HPV infection they usually occur in the form of genital warts. these warts may sometimes be flat, or cauliflower like in form. Vaginal warts are common, however they can also emerge in other parts for instance the thighs or anal area.

Vaginal warts are especially challenging for pregnant women as they can make the vagina less elastic, and this may cause difficulties when delivering the baby. They may also grow in big clusters which cause a physical impediment to the delivery of the baby.

But it’s not only the mother who suffers problems. It’s possible for a baby born to an hpv infected woman to develop warts in the throat which can become a life threatening problem.

It is important that anybody who suspects that they may well be infected by the HPV virus take all possible precautions to avoid spreading it to other people, and also that they do something to manage their own symptoms. There isn’t a cure for the HPV virus, but the symptoms can be dealt with effectively.

If you suspect you might be suffering from gential warts then visit this link to get information on genital warts treatment.

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