
by Symptom Advice on March 12, 2011

MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WMBF) – Doctors offices along the Grand Strand are getting busier with people already suffering from seasonal allergies.

From sniffling to sneezing, doctors say the warm weather is making symptoms pop up in those allergic to various types of pollen.

Dr. Joseph Moyer, allergist with the Allergy, Asthma and Sinus Center, attributes many patients problems to trees being tricked into thinking it's spring and spreading their pollen early.

“We started to pick up a lot of tree pollen during the warm days that we had last week. We also noticed more people coming in with symptoms, your typical allergy symptoms,” Moyer said.

“I sneeze, my eyes burn, my nose runs. I get all choked up and my head hurts. It's just a general feeling of yuck,” said Laura Forbes, who has allergies.

Meteorologists say the pollen counts do reflect a high level of allergens in the air, especially over the last few days.

Moyer recommends allergy sufferers try over the counter antihistamines and avoid long periods of outdoor activity.

He says the allergy season is just beginning and it's expected to get worse as more things bloom later in the spring.

“This is just the beginning I'm afraid. the cooler weather may slow things down a little bit, but I think the trend is gonna be that the weather is warming up,” he said.

If medicines and avoidance don't work Moyer says it's time to see a doctor.

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