“Fire the Workaholics”

by Symptom Advice on April 11, 2011

Post Chris Moyles’ 52 hour charity extravaganza, I was a little surprised to see he was still tweeting hours after going off air…. the expectation that he would be so exhausted his only thought would be bed, bed, bed… were quickly dispelled. If you’re like me, one of the millions who become enveloped in his radio show filled with quips and passion… yes I said passion… you can answer this question very quickly… would he have subjected his body to a presenting marathon for a dare…?

Now ask the same question of a dustbin man, would he do a 52-hour non-stop collection, warranted the latter is far more laborious, answer with the right incentives, yes!

So, yes Chris Moyles did it for Charity. My point; human nature understands why individuals are driven to action if explained by passion “a crime of passion”, driving is his life, she lives for her children… so why do we not empathise with anyone who proclaims their passion for work… we mistake them for a workaholic: how do we differentiate between a person who finds joy in their work and a workaholic?

Easy it’s a work-life balance… being passionate about work does not equate to:

Work making you happier than anything else in your life

Only subject of conversation is work



Always think about work whilst driving, falling asleep

Happy to work long hours, as they are too afraid to lose their job or failure

Overtime doesn’t exist, all hours are working hours


Impatient with people who have other priorities besides work

Cancel their social life

I’ve missed a couple but I’m sure you can fill in the gaps… look round your office there’s bound to be at least one workaholic?

So why fire the workaholics?

“If all you do is work, you’re unlikely to have sound judgements. your values and decision-making wind up skewed. you stop being able to decide what’s worth extra effort and what’s not. And you wind up just plain tired. no one makes sharp decisions when tired”

*Quote from the founders of 37 Signals and authors of “Rework”

What is a work / life balance?

Some years ago I started to see a Life Coach, an amazing lady who very simple made me sit still and think about my life now and where I want to go. she helped put me on the right road…one of the many tools I used was the Wheel of Life… it’s nothing fancy but worth 30minutes of your time….  Make time!


I’ll leave you with this quote:

“one of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one’s work is terribly important.“

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