101 Secret to Cancer Symptoms: Pancreatic cancer and pancreatic disease-coconut oil

by Symptom Advice on March 24, 2011

Pancreatic cancer affects the pancreas. This is a gland located at the back of the upper stomach near the spine. Two of the several functions of the pancreas are hormonal production and pancreatic juices. Cells become cancerous when direct control mechanisms of cell growth failure, leading to a division of unrestraint of cells. Uncontrollable growth continues until the cells develop into a malignant tumor.

It is difficult to detect pancreatic cancer in its early stages. Generally, it is only in the later stages that causes stomach and WEIGHTINESS. pain is experienced. Symptoms of pancreatic cancer are often non-specific, may be variable and feature a number of potential problems, and pancreatic cancer. Pruritus, jaundice, intestinal movements, dark urine and pale ordinarily indicate the growth of pancreatic cancer. For pain in the abdominal area, spread over half of the back, if the tumor is progressive. Fatigue, decreased energy, no appetite and weight loss are also noted. a good indicator of endocrine tumors is the secretion of pancreatic polypeptide. An initial symptom of cancer of the pancreas can be blood clots.

Pancreatic cancer is usually classified in phases, indicating the degree of cancer. These are the node, and metastasis tumor and further in size and operation. Pancreatic cancer is metastatic stage 4 where the disease has spread to distant organs such as the liver and is unusable. all stages can be treated, but only stages 1 and 2 are operable.

Other typical pancreatic cancer treatment includes chemotherapy, radiotherapy and different types of vaccine, various options for pain relief and a support system. another option for people with pancreatic cancer is to participate in research studies (clinical trials for pancreatic cancer) to test the new treatment before it is used on others. New pancreatic cancer clinical trials offer hope for pancreatic cancer survival rates.

A disease of the pancreas, acute pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, which comes on suddenly, it lasts for a short period and usually gets better. This is associated with gallstones or excessive use of alcohol. Abstinence from alcohol and eat large meals, is informed and preventive measures will be taken to prevent future attacks

Chronic pancreatitis, another disease of the pancreas, is different in a way that it does not resolve itself. Pain and scarring of the pancreas occurs when digestive enzymes attacking causing injury to the pancreas and nearby tissues. An attack of acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis can set but it is typically more mainly years of alcohol abuse. a diet low in fat and high in carbohydrates will be recommended.

Now, you are probably wondering why coconut oil has been mentioned in the title. Well this is because it had many significant nutritional and medical use and is recommended for those who have digestive problems. the reason for this is coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides, fats that are quickly digested. This means that pancreatic enzymes are not necessary because at the moment they enter the intestinal tract are already divided into fatty acids. These are absorbed immediately into a vein and sent directly to the liver where they are used to produce energy. This means that they do not circulate in the blood level that make other fats. Consequently, there is no fat to accumulate in fat cells or arterial walls. the only energy produced fatty acids not body fat or arterial plaque.

Coconut oil provides a quick and easy source of food because it is digestible and assimilation of other nutrients aids. For this reason was recommended in the treatment of malnutrition (which can be a problem in a person suffering from pancreatic cancer). Coconut oil can help with fatigue and a whole series of conditions, because its antimicrobial effects defeat in organisms, which can be draining strength and causative condition of the body.

GREG s. owns and operates its pancreatic cancer website where you can get more useful information about pancreatic cancer, acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis and other interesting information about pancreatic cancer.

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