12 Symptoms of Feline Rabies

by Symptom Advice on January 25, 2011

also see Cat Rabies Shot

also see Feline Rabies

also see Rabies in Cats

also see Feline Rabies

also see Rabies in Cats

also see Feline Rabies

also see Rabies in Cats 

Feline rabies is a disease of the central nervous system. Cat rabies develops in three stages: prodromal, furious and paralytic.

The virus is transmitted by bites from a rabies-infected animal. Be cautious if your cat got bit by another animal-rabies will not present symptoms right away. it takes 2 to 5 weeks for the virus to spread in the cat’s body and for the symptoms to occur. Keep a watchful eye for the following 12 symptoms of feline rabies:

Poor coordination and the lack of balance are among the earliest signs of rabies. If you notice your pet banging his head into a lot of objects you need to look into the problem.

Manifested in the early stages of rabies, yowling can point to health disorders. The voice of the cat with rabies suffers changes.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the eye membranes so you will notice swollen, red eyes.

The cat is producing excessive saliva due to the rabies, and will be constantly drooling.

Cats with rabies are very irritable and will reject any type of affection. This is typical to the stage two of rabies: the furious stage. Cats having rabies are vicious and will bite and scratch more than usual. they will also knock over objects they come across with.

Your cat is fighting imaginary objects or eating stones.

If your cat has elevated fever, this may be a sign of an infection or it may as well be a sign of cat rabies. In any case, it is vital to visit a vet.

Vomiting is an indicator of many cat conditions starting from parasites to pregnancy, however rabies can cause the cat to throw up.

When your cat leaves food untouched, that’s an alarming sign. This is caused by the lack of appetite, but may also be because the face muscles are partially paralyzed-and this means that the rabies is in its last stage.

This symptom goes hand in hand with the lack of appetite.

This is caused by the partial paralysis. The cat cannot breathe normally and this can lead to respiratory failure.

This is a symptom of the paralytic stage; by this time there is nothing to be done to save the cat.

Feline rabies is not a common disease, but it can be fatal. Rabies may cause different secondary diseases such as urinary infections, respiratory infections or renal insufficiency. Rabies can be prevented by proper vaccination. The sooner you act the better; identify early signs and get help from your vet.

also see Cat Rabies Vaccine: what You need To Know

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