14 Point Checklist For Identifying Inattentive ADHD Symptoms

by Symptom Advice on August 18, 2010

Oftentimes it is helpful to have a checklist for ADHD symptoms to refer to. by keeping this checklist handy you will be able to evaluate the possibility of ADHD in very concise, business like way, rather than having to go through the mental gymnastics of trying to remember the numerous symptoms of inattentive ADHD and then attempting to make a judgment.

If you are a teacher you might want to keep this 14 point checklist for ADHD in your desk. if you are using it to evaluate your child for the condition you might want to keep this checklist for ADHD in an accessible place at home. if you are an employer trying to help your employees excel you might consider keeping this list in your wallet as a reference guide when a potential ADHD situation occurs.

Defining inattention

Inattention is the inability to focus or to stay focused and is at the core of the ADHD diagnostic criteria. Taken a step further inattention is problem with self regulation; not knowing how and when to focus on something. And if you were to delve even deeper defining inattention from a biological perspective you would find that inattentive ADHD is an imbalance in brain chemicals; specifically having too much norepinephrine and too little dopamine.

14 point checklist for ADHD – Inattention

*Unable to listen carefully. Continually misinterpreting the spoken word.

*Inability to stay focused on material unless it is of great person interest.

*Tendency to daydream, drift, or wander when the subject matter is mundane or boring.

*Has trouble focusing on the fine print or important details.

*Trouble remember where things are placed. Examples might be lost homework, books, or misplaced car keys.

*Just can’t quite seem to get the knack for staying focused while reading.

*Tendency to completely ignore things that are of little interest by simply tuning them out.

*Learning new skills seems to be next to impossible, requiring a great amount of energy and willpower.

*Those with inattentive ADHD will tend to zone out during conversations that are too long or that fail to grab their interest. this could also be applied to lectures or lengthy teacher oratories.

*Hyperfocus is often encountered when the subject matter fascinates the inattentive ADHD individual, making it difficult to for them to take a break or change subject matter.

*Distractibility is a constant annoyance, with even the most minor disturbances fracturing concentration and focus. Once fractured those with ADHD have trouble re-starting and may prefer to move on to another endeavor.

*Following written or spoken direction is difficult if not impossible most of the time.

*Becoming easily distracted by one’s own thoughts while trying to concentrate.

*Being able to focus sometimes, but not others, even if the activity is of interest.

In conclusion, there are many disadvantages involved with inattentive ADHD and it is described best by one story I recently read involving a 9 year old boy who loved to put together model airplanes and trucks.

There would be days when this young boy would do things exactly right but other days he would start putting a section together and begin daydreaming, losing track of what came next and ultimately ending up gluing the wrong part into the section. this scattered thinking eventually made him give up model building even though it was something he loved.

The example above is just one of the many possible instances that highlight the difficulty for those with inattentive ADHD (all ages).

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