3 Psoriasis Treatment Options You Should Consider

by Symptom Advice on March 12, 2011

People shed skin cells all the time, and most of the time there are no issues. Scrubbing will often remove all the dead cells that are still present on the skin. Those people that are blessed with glowing skin all over the body have healthy skin cells that continue to grow and develop normally.

There are many theories on why psoriasis occurs, but the prevailing theory tells us that psoriatic skin is the result of too fast skin cell development. in psoriatic individuals, the skin cells become so stacked that the outer layers cannot keep up with the rapid development of new ones. what happens is that the skin looks inflamed and thick. the inner cells push the outer cells, creating small cracks that visibly look like scales. the outer skin cells may also show flaking. Psoriasis should not be confused with Melasma.

This skin disease may be non-contagious, but people who look at the skin condition on someone else tend to be repulsed. People with psoriasis can often feel embarrassed when on the beach because they cannot show off their bodies.

If you have psoriasis, here are some home remedies for Psoriasis:

1. Creams and Lotions

Early detection of psoriasis can lead to better treatment options like lotions and creams. Early stage psoriasis or mild psoriasis can be treated by topical application of creams and lotions containing the active ingredient that can reduce the swelling of skin cells. Mild psoriasis symptoms are still treatable with creams.

2. Steroidal Injections

When we say mild, we mean the patches are few and can be found on one spot. if you feel like the skin patch is no longer absorbing the creams you apply, then the skin cells probably became too tough and inelastic to accept topical application of lotions. Injections are especially useful if the outer skin layer has become too thick that creams cannot be absorbed by the skin anymore.

But you shouldn’t give up trying to make the affected skin area more elastic by applying moisturizers. Remember, when psoriasis starts, it may spread to neighboring areas.

3. more Advanced Treatment

Some individuals may show extensive symptoms of psoriasis. the patches of dried or leathery skin may have spread toward the appendages and even the person’s face. Advanced treatments include pills, a series of injections and laser. These treatments are available in dermatology clinics, and there may be some treatments that are only available in a big skin disease specialized hospital.

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