3 Vital Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

by Symptom Advice on February 14, 2011

While high blood pressure is sometimes called a silent killer, because it often has no symptoms, there are often warning signs that suggest you should be monitoring your blood pressure. of course, checking your blood pressure is easy enough to do and you should do it regularly even if you don’t have any symptoms. Here are some of the possible symptoms, signs and common risk factors that can indicate high blood pressure.

What high blood pressure actually is, can be quite a controversy. Blood pressure is measured by two numbers called systolic pressure and diastolic pressure. There is often disagreement about numbers that are lower than 140/90, it is commonly believed that anything over that is hypertension. your blood pressure would be considered normal if you for instance had a reading of 130/85. now, however, many experts would call this prehypertension, maintaining that healthy blood pressure is below 120/80. while you should discuss it with your doctor, if your levels get above 120/80, you should begin to monitor your diet as well as your exercise.

A stressful lifestyle could mean that you are at risk for high blood pressure, and equally at risk if you are easily angered or frustrated, even without other symptoms. it has been found that people who fit the Type a personality profile are more likely than average to have high blood pressure, as well as heart disease. one of the early signs of high blood pressure can be deduced to be stress. Regardless of your stress level in your job or lifestyle, you can still learn to relax and control your stress. this can be a way to prevent your blood pressure from going up.

Heart attack or a variety of heart related ailments are the most serious problems that high blood pressure can lead to. if you have shortness of breath or chest pain, this requires immediate medical attention as it could be the symptom of heart problems.

If you find that you run out of breath easily or have any type of breathing problem, this could be a symptom of heart related disorder. serious consequences of high blood pressure can be avoided if you catch the high blood pressure at an early stage. High blood pressure is one of the many signs that you may have heart disease which is the number one cause of death in the world today.

Due to the fact that blood pressure or hypertension is hard to identify in the early stages, it can be one of the most serious health problems. of course, if you take the time to get your blood pressure checked, it’s very easy to find out if you have hypertension, but too many people neglect to do this. Whether or not you have the type of symptoms mentioned above, getting your blood pressure checked is a simple way to safeguard your health. "this information was brought to you by cancunmexicoallinclusiveresorts.net, your source for all things related on cancun mexico all inclusive resorts."

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