7 Common Prostate Symptoms Men Need To Be Watchful

by Symptom Advice on January 30, 2011

As men age, they will be plagued with prostate problems.  Prostate issues usually rear their ugly head around the age of 50. some men see problems in their 60s and nine out of 10 men suffer with it by age 80. Thus, it’s important to know the seven common prostate symptoms.

Most of the seven common prostate symptoms are mild. due to the age in which prostate problems creep about, an assortment of other medical ailments is already taking hold on the body.  Men often, for one reason or another, ignore their prostate symptoms and write it off as nothing more than part of the aging process. for the most part, this is fine because most prostate issues are not that serious. if the seven common prostate symptoms don’t bother you and you can live life as you normally do, then by all means… do it.

There are instances that letting the symptoms of prostate problems go causes serious health problems and eventually will kill you. sometimes the seven common prostate symptoms are a warning for a more serious prostate condition known as prostate cancer. According to data, prostate cancer is the second most deadly cancer in the United States.

What seven common prostate symptoms should you be looking out for?

There is an array of prostate symptoms that could develop into further problems. Keep in mind that these symptoms can have an underlying cause to them. if the symptoms have no cause, they will not be around long, as they are generally due to a bacterial infection that clears up within two weeks with no treatment needed. However, if they’re repeatedly being seen and stay with you, then you need to talk with your doctor right away.

Seven Common Prostate Symptoms: What you Really Need To look For

The seven common prostate symptoms are:

- Hard time peeing or have to strain to pee- Weak urine flow- Pee starts and stops- Feeling on bladder not empty even after just peeing- Feeling the need to pee and problems holding it- Reoccurring bathroom visits; need to visit bathroom in the nighttime hours- Continual dribble even after done peeing.

The above prostate symptoms are the body’s way to warn you that something is not right. it doesn’t matter if they are not serious and you’re not entirely worried but you must get it checked out in case it is a more serious condition such as prostate cancer. Have your doctor do an evaluation and find out if you should consider treatment.

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