A Discussion of Some Psychological Disorders and Symptoms

by Symptom Advice on January 24, 2011

Author: Christine CrottsSource: isnare.com

There are several types of mental disorders that affect millions of people every day. a disorder can affect anyone and can be any number of things that can happen in his life is present. the nature of the disease is usually diagnosed the cause and symptoms that a person experiences with a family history of mental illness. In this article you will learn more about some laws, but not all types of mental disorders and the common anxiety disorder symptoms.An is a type of disorder that is associated with unpleasant and overwhelming psychological tension or anxiety that has no identifiable cause. these concerns may have a panic attack in some people suffering from anxiety disorders. People who have an anxiety disorder symptoms also may worry excessively worries about a situation that leads to unrealistic fears and the fear of future panic attacks. People, bipolar, with this type of mental disorder, have trouble sleeping and may lose or gain weight suddenly change their eating habits. if a panic attack occurs, you may experience tremors, dizziness and the feeling that you may be weak. In addition, numbness and tingling along with a rapid heartbeat, sweating, cold clammy hands are symptoms of an anxiety disorder attack.probably one of the most common disorders is depression. At some point, everyone feels sad or depressed, but a person who can not get out of his depression in a few weeks may suffer from depression. Some symptoms of depression may have a real change in eating habits, loss of pleasure in things you normally enjoy, and a loss of energy to be. In this type of mental disorder, you may feel a sense of hopelessness and futility. the indecision and inability to concentrate may be symptoms of depression.other types of disorders are childhood disorders, bipolar disorder, eating disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). all of these mental disorders are looking for different symptoms, but some of the symptoms are similar to those associated with depression. there are several other disorders, except those that are mentioned in this article. if you or someone you know has suffered the symptoms of a mental disorder, consult a physician of experience is very important. Any change in behavior, eating habits, sleeping habits, work performance or social models of warning signs that must be addressed. the earlier a disorder recognized and treated, the easier it will resume a normal lifestyle.Determining if someone, bipolar, is actually a mental disorder can be difficult and can sometimes be overlooked. because the symptoms of depression are similar to symptoms of various other mental disorders, many people believe that there is only one phase or the feeling that it will leave on their own. it is interesting to note that doctors sometimes miss a diagnosis of mental disorder, either as a physical problem or a medical illness on the similarity of symptoms. E 'is therefore very important to consult your doctor and to be honest is to answer the medical questions.

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