Acute prostatitis

by Symptom Advice on March 5, 2011

Acute prostatitis is a bacterial infection that affects the prostate gland. This is a medical emergency. it is different from the other forms of prostatitis. Some of the signs and symptoms of this disease includes chills, fever, urinary frequency, painful urination, frequency of urination at night and pain in the groin area. This infection is easy to diagnose because of its infection. the micro organism may be found in the urine and blood. Comon bacteria that cause this infection are Pseudomonas, Enterobacter, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. if this bacterial infection is untreated it may lead one to hospitalization. the patient will be treated with intravenous antibiotics. the physician may recommend for complete blood count where the platelet levels are evaluated. one with bacterial infection will have elevated levels of white blood cells.

Sepsis due to prostatitis is very rare. it may occur in some immunocompromised patients. High fever and malaise indicate the need for a blood culture. Blood culture proves to be positive for those with sepsis. it is not advisable to do a proastate massage who is suffering from bacterial prostatitis since it may lead to sepsis. Since the bacteria can be found in the urine and blood, massage is not required to diagnose the infection. the physician might perform a rectal examination. On examination of the rectum, the physician might find enlarged, exquisitely tender, swollen prostate gland. the prostate gland might be firm, warm and uneven to on palpation.Increased level of PSA has been associated with acute prostatitis. the PSA level goes down as the acute prostatitis gets cured. Antibiotics are usually given to treat the infections in prostate gland. Acute prostatitis gets resolved in a short period of time. Using antibiotics for the appropriate bacterial infection can help o destroy the bacteria and reduce the infection in short period of time. Antibiotics such as Ciproflaxacin helps to fight the bacteria that causes infection. Patients who are severely ill require hospitalization while the Nero toxic patients are treated with bed rest, analgesics, stool softeners and hydration.

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