ADHD symptoms? – Yahoo! Answers

by Symptom Advice on February 3, 2011

What are the DEFINATE symptoms of ADHD? i mean symptoms that if you have u definatly have it?

Signs and symptoms of ADD/ADHD in children
Now and again, every child is absent-minded, restless, or impulsive. These symptoms point to ADD/ADHD when they’re the rule and not the exception.

Symptoms of inattention
It isn’t that children with ADD/ADHD can’t pay attention: when they’re doing things they enjoy or hearing about topics in which they’re interested, they have no trouble focusing and staying on task. (The hard part may be pulling them away to the next activity.) but if a child with ADD isn’t viscerally engaged by an activity, the attention of that child will quickly seek out a different activity or something else to think about.

Some symptoms of the inattentive type of ADD are:
being easily distracted from a task, lesson, or conversation
difficulty keeping the mind on any one thing
getting bored with a task before it’s completed
skipping over details
making careless mistakes
difficulty listening when directly addressed
difficulty following instructions or finishing tasks
disorganization and forgetfulness
Children with ADD often bounce from task to task without completing any of them, or skipping necessary steps in procedures. they often have difficulty learning new material. Organizing their schoolwork and their time is harder for them than it is for most children.

Symptoms of hyperactivity/impulsivity
Youngsters with hyperactive or impulsive symptoms of ADHD seem to be always in motion. Sitting still can be very difficult for them. they may try to do several things at once, bouncing around from one activity to the next.

Children experiencing the hyperactive/impulsive form of ADHD may:

fidget and squirm or have trouble staying seated at all
move around constantly, often running or climbing inappropriately
have difficulty with quiet, sedentary activities
talk excessively
blurt out answers before questions are completed
speak tactlessly or inappropriately
exhibit difficulty waiting
interrupt or intrude on others
Because we expect very young children to be easily distractable and hyperactive, it’s the impulsive behaviors — the dangerous climb, the blurted insult — that often stand out in preschoolers with ADD/ADHD. by age four or five, though, most children have learned how to pay attention to others, to sit quietly when instructed to, and not to say everything that pops into their heads. so by the time children reach school age, those with ADD/ADHD stand out in all three behaviors: inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

Hi alanna, the list of symptoms that you can easily get from the net is just a guide. Only a trained doctor (meaning a doctor who is knowledgeable about adhd) can confirm whether a person has adhd or not. do keep in mind that diagnosing adhd is not as simple as looking at the symptoms alone. this is because other health concerns may be existing at the same time which, when come together, masked each other out and gives out adhd-like symptoms.

For treatments, if you want to know non-drug methods, you can look at this informative site:

Especially the sections on adhd treatment, adhd vitamins, and adhd diet. Good luck.

There are no DEFINITE symptoms, but a list of symptoms that, added together and analyzed by a psychiatrist, lead to three different types of AD/HD. Here is a link to a list of symptoms, but if you are curious if you or a family member has ADHD, go to a doctor, and don't self-diagnose.

PS People with ADHD CAN ask questions like this. I have ADD. I'm not stupid. I'm not insane. It's just a condition.

well with me i can't zero in on one speaker if there are more than one conversation going on in a room i hear them all making it hard for me to understand whats going on. i zone out alot unable to hold still search it on google there is this site that i use i can't remember it though its like talk to your doctor if you really think you might have it

1. Developmentally inappropriate inattention
2. Impulsivity
3. with or with out hyperactivity.
try looking at

Hyper as F**k and not paying any attention to anything. If this sounds like you then you definitely have it.

Can't do work at school
always talking
always wants to fight with someone
gets mad easily
shouts alot

Go to They've got the symptoms listed as well was what 'else' it could be.

Best wishes!

Always a little jittery, can't stay in one place for long.

you would not have the attention span to ask this question if you had it.

go to

What was the question again… wait – look AT THAT! something shiny!!!… what… were you asking me something?

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