Advanced Hygiene – Viruses Like Influenza and the Common Cold Hitchhike

by Symptom Advice on December 7, 2010

(PRWEB) October 20, 2004

If you travel to any international airport you’ll notice the tighter security designed to reduce our risk from terrorists when we fly. But one of the greatest threats to our health doesn’t fly – it hitchhikes.

Many people think viruses like the common cold and influenza fly through the air then into your body through your mouth or nose. But most viruses don’t fly into your body – they hitchhike.

When you have a cold and you sneeze, all those droplets containing the cold virus travel through the air and land – often on items people touch frequently like doorknobs, desks or telephones. With a virus on your hands all you need to do is touch, scratch or rub your eyes or nose and the virus can enter your body.

In fact, over ninety percent of respiratory viruses get into your body when you touch your eyes and nose with your fingernails.

Cleaning your hands could be the key to avoiding the common cold and influenza. If you suffer from colds and flus on a regular basis remember this saying – “Where there’s soap there’s hope.”

Thoroughly wash and dry your hands every time you go to the toilet and any time you have hand to hand contact with others. Natural soap, alcohol rubs or the specially designed cleanzone soap are probably the best choices for hand washing.

And remember grandma’s advice: “Don’t touch your face with your hands.” the next time you go to rub your eyes or engage in an unmentionable activity with your nostrils remember viruses don’t fly into your body – they hitchhike.

For a free copy of the detailed report Beat Colds and Influenza now go to

More Influenza Press Releases

  1. Influenza Virus Scare: Watch Out Before you Kiss your Valentine
  2. Common Cold and Flu Treatments (Cold and Flu #1)
  3. Various Forms of Influenza Viruses
  4. The Common Cold, Influenza and Aloeride
  5. About Common Cold and Influenza and the Difference between these Two Ailments

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