Alcohol induced pancreatitis?

by Symptom Advice on January 13, 2011

About a week ago I had a pain in my abdomen, it wasn't that bad of a pain, but it was noticeable so I went to the ER. after pushing around on my stomach the doctor said he thought it was a pulled muscle, but would wait until my blood work came back to be sure. sure enough my blood showed slightly elevated levels of lipase (level was 150) and so I was diagnosed with a mild case of acute pancreatitis. I later got a CT which showed a mild inflammation of the tail of my pancreas. The next day I had an ultrasound and everything including my pancreas looked normal, no inflammation. they do not know the cause but they say it could have been that I drank excessively during a graduation party 4 days prior. my question is it normal for pancreatitis brought on by a weekend of drinking to take 4 days to show symptoms (ie abdominal tenderness)? again the pain was mild and only felt when I laughed or coughed. also my doctor said that I can only drink one beer at a time now for the rest of my life…I'm 26 years old.

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