All About Asthma

by Symptom Advice on February 5, 2011

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Asthma is very common, so common that there is probably somebody that you know that suffers from it.  if you have no idea what asthma is fully you do however know what the symptoms are.

Asthma is a condition in the respiratory system that cause the smaller airways to tighten, this is what makes an asthma suffer have a hard time breathing.  the time that an asthma attack can last is dependent on the seriousness of the condition and also how tight the airways happen to be. Albuterol for Nebulizer

It is a disease that can occur in people of all ages although it is more common to first appear in children. Some lucky asthma suffers happen to outgrow this conditionAlso there are some asthma suffers who will live with the condition for the rest of their lives.

People who have no other asthma suffers in their family can acquire asthma.  It is a misunderstanding about asthma, that it is passed down from generation to generation.  Alvesco Inhaler

Asthma symptoms usually are cough, wheezing, tightness in the chest, breath shortness, and a hard time to breathe.  Symptoms do vary form person to person.

An asthma attack has levels of mild, moderate, and severe.

For somebody that had mild asthma they have attacks when they have an upper respiratory infection.  Most other times they are completely fine and have no asthma symptoms at all.

Some moderate asthma sufferers can have some symptoms from time to time.  It could be worse in the early morning or late in the night, when they have a cold, or have a lot of stress in their lives.

For asthma suffers with severe asthma, they have symptoms just about every day.  at times they could fond it difficult to even talk to people or to be involved in any physical activity.  also they are in the hospital a lot due to the severity of their asthma. Albuterol Inhalers

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