Alternatives to Traditional Allergy Treatment

by Symptom Advice on March 16, 2011

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Sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes–they’re all symptoms of seasonal allergies. Some sufferers try everything to feel better, but it doesn’t always work.

But some alternative doctors have found unique ways to treat symptoms, like ancient Chinese medicine, using the body’s own ability to heal itself.

“Acupuncture is not going to go in an suppress anything it’s going to help the body to go back into a batter balance,” says Cheryl Meltzer, OMD, owner of Stevens Point Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

Meltzer says allergies are related to an imbalance in the organ systems of the body. so acupuncturists work to bring the body into balance, by targeting acupressure points.

“We’re thinking of how that point is going to make deep inner connections along all of the deep inner energetic pathways that aren’t on the surface,” Meltzer says.

Another treatment also uses acupressure points, with a laser therapy technique, targeting allergens in the body.

“The brain has made an inappropriate association with those substances it creates histamine,” says naturopathic doctor Betty Ann Peters, NDPhys, owner of Wausau Wellness Center.

Peters says the machine picks up the frequency of the allergen and associates it with a positive response in the body.

“What it does is it reduces the stress on the nervous system so that the body can work naturally,” Peters says.

Stevens Point chiropractor Wally Schmitt says chiropractic adjustments will improve the body’s nervous system, boosting overall health.

“You look at allergies, it’s an overactive response to the immune system and what controls the immune system, the nervous system,” Schmitt says.

These alternative therapies all use different methods, but they have one thing in common–a whole body approach to treating allergies.

“When you start looking at natural ways, that’s just allowing your body to do what it normally does but just supporting it in a way that it can accomplish that,” says Schmitt.

Their goal: to get patients to where they are not reliant on any constant medicating of themselves. And these doctors say their methods work naturally in most cases.

“One of the things I’ve noticed that’s been a common thread of everyone that’s been in here is that their energy level goes through the roof they feel wonderful,” says Peters.

Allergists we contacted to declined to comment on these alternative methods. they instead recommend traditional treatments, such as medicines or shots.

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