Anorexia Nervosa Symptoms

by Symptom Advice on January 25, 2011

Extensive emotional and physical damage are caused due to a serious eating disorder called Anorexia Nervosa. normally, people afflicted with disorder are formalists with less pride and have a phobia to lose weight. A person who is in quest for becoming thin can make him/her prone to dangerous secondary ailments.


This disorder is mainly visible in young girls and women, but, anorexia nervosa symptoms and signs can also be seen in men. The causes for this disorder are:

  • Trying to get updated by following the current fashion trends and modes
  • Social pressure and family problems
  • Personality disorders and genetic predisposition

Symptoms Nervosa disorder Symptoms

Diet: A person who is already underweight will take upon a diet making him even more pale

Behavioral changes: Vomiting can be seen along with other behaviors such laxative use, diuretic use or compulsive exercises

Menstrual cycle: For three or more months, menstrual cycles absence can be noted

Depression: Symptoms of isolation and depression are seen greatly

Unwarranted thoughts: Thinking gets diverted and talks are generally about weight, shape, size, appearance or food

Disinterests: Interest loss will occur in activities and relationships

Pills: Diet pills, herbal supplements or teas overused

Thinness: Frequent thoughts about wanting to become thin

Sleeplessness: Sleep problems and insomnia will be experienced to a great extent

Color loss: Below the eyes, a dry, yellowish complexion along with purplish bruises will be visible.

Tooth decay: This can occur in both the genders and can also cause osteoporosis

Other disease: Diseases related to the heart and kidney can also occur

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