Anorexia Nervosa Treatment and Recovery

by Symptom Advice on February 24, 2011

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder. Anorexia Nervosa treatment and recovery is possible in a specialized treatment center.Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by extremely low body weight, distorted body image and an obsessive fear of gaining weight. this is more common in young adults, especially females. these young adults are consumed by an excessive desire to be thin and starve themselves in an effort to cope with overwhelming emotions. Anorexia can have dangerous health implications if untreated and may even cause death. it is important therefore to start treatment as early as possible, so the person has the best chance of recovery.

Anorexia can be difficult to diagnose in the affected persons as most of these people are in a state of self denial about their condition. it is only when they start showing symptoms like drastic weight reduction, depression, spells of dizziness and vomiting and general food aversion, that their loved ones become aware of their affliction. Some Anorexics may be more aware of their disorder but struggle to seek help due to the self hate and shame associated with the disorder.

Anorexia Nervosa treatment and recovery is possible in a specialized treatment center. There is a need for individualized treatment as each person has different underlying causes for the disorder. Treatment must include medical and weight stabilization along with psychotherapy, as the underlying causes of these eating disorders must be explored and resolved. Group therapy is also required along with medication management. the family of the affected person should be included in the treatment process to identify family dynamics that contributed to the development and maintenance of the disorder. Regular follow up and outpatient therapy is essential to prevent relapse of Anorexia.

Treatment centers offer various levels of care including outpatient, day treatment or residential care depending on the severity of the disorder.

To recover, someone with anorexia needs to:

-Maintain a healthy body weight-Normalize eating habits-Relinquish eating disorder identity and eating disorder thoughts-Develop new ways to self sooth and self-regulate-Have an increased ability to access social support from family and friends.

Anorexia Treatment – what is Anorexia Nervosa?

Anorexia Nervosa or Anorexia is an eating disorder characterized by self starvation, restriction of food intake, or calories, and sometimes excessive weight loss. Anorexia is a serious psychological disorder that goes well beyond out-of-control dieting. it is a refusal to maintain a normal body weight for ones height. it is an intense fear of gaining weight or being fat, despites sometimes significant weight loss. Some women cease to have menstrual cycles. often there is an extreme concern with body weight shape a size. the person with anorexia may initially begin dieting to lose weight. Over time, the weight loss becomes an illusion of mastery and control. it can become an obsession and is similar to drug addiction. the anorexic loses perspective of their appearance because they have distorted opinions about their self image. No amount of dieting or starvation can satisfy their desire to be thin.

Anorexia Signs & Symptoms

Of all the psychological disorders, Anorexia Nervosa has the highest mortality rate. many of the symptoms of Anorexia can have life threatening consequences. Some of the sufferers will have some but not necessarily all of the following symptoms:

* Restricting caloric intake to less than needed to maintain healthy ideal body weight* Following a severely limited diet even if underweight* Forced vomiting or other compensatory behaviors like laxative use, diuretic use or compulsive exercise* Absence of menstrual cycles for three or more consecutive months* fear of eating in social places or in front of others* Increased isolation and depressive symptoms* Relentless pursuit of thinness* Obsessive thinking and talking about weight, shape, size, appearance, or food* Rituals around body checking, exercise, or food* Loss of interest in activities and relationships* Body dissatisfaction, body image distortion* Chewing and spitting as an attempt to control weight* taking in excessive amounts of fluid or restricting fluid intake* Use or abuse of diet pills, herbal supplements, or teas

Anorexia Nervosa Treatment

Castlewood Treatment Center is a residential treatment center for people suffering from eating disorders. Castlewood provides an individualized treatment approach to meet the precise needs of each client. we look underneath the symptoms as a way to understand the function of the disorder in the client’s life. Here you can experience emotional and physical healing at the hands of experienced specialists in psychiatry, body image, internal family systems, family therapy, healthy nutrition and more.

Unique but Effective Treatment Strategy

The treatment of Anorexia nervosa at Castlewood is a unique therapeutic experience. Qualified licensed, specialists work with clients to help them regain control over symptoms, resolve trauma, and allow them to develop skills throughout the varying levels of care. the small nurturing environment of ten residential clients allows for personal care and attention. our entire staff is trained in Internal Family Systems therapy which allows healing to occur in and outside the therapy sessions.

We will:

* Find out the underlying issues that led to the onset of anorexia nervosa and help to resolve those issues* help the patient identify healthier ways to cope* Encourage the participation of the family in the treatment process* Provide a continuum of care, so that clients can practice dealing with everyday life situations while still in treatment* Provide continuing aftercare once his/her stay at Castlewood is over* help launch or support them into their transition to college, job, or relationships

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