Anorexia- Recognise the Signs

by Symptom Advice on December 7, 2010

Anorexia is classified as an eating disorder. though it mainly affects teenage girls, one in every ten anorexic persons is a young man.

People suffering from anorexia have an extreme need of staying thin. the condition can manifest itself as an obsession to limit food intake to the point of starvation. Anorexics take extreme actions to limit their calorie intake and lose body weight.

But anorexia is not limited to the need of staying thin. it is, in a way, a complex psychological condition. An anorexic person is usually low on self-esteem and tries to rise above the needs and problems of daily life by resorting to food deprivation. Anorexics are often unsatisfied in other areas of life. they are prone to sensitivity and mood swings.

Anorexia is often observed among adolescents who were criticized about their bodies as children. it is also seen among teenagers whose parents put great emphasis on staying fit.

Anorexia is 4 times more likely to affect a person who has a family member suffering from the condition. this maybe because of a genetic pattern to the disorder, but can also be attributed to the personality traits like low self esteem and sensitivity. In some cases, dieting rigorously can also lead to anorexia.

The early signs of anorexia are abnormal concern about weight, mood swings at mealtimes and extreme obsession with exercise. to avoid weight gain, they consume very little calories and exercise to the extent of burning more calories than they consume.

On occasions when they eat more than their stipulated quantity, they puke out the food in order to lessen the calorie intake. Anorexics find themselves overweight, when they are in fact, dangerously under nourished.

Due to such compulsive eating habits, anorexics are often low on body minerals. the deficiency of zinc can be most harmful, as it further decreases appetite. Treatment for anorexia often includes psychotherapy and counseling.

Hospitalization is almost always necessary. While it is best for the recovering anorexic to eat mineral rich food, eating any kind of food should be encouraged.

Anorexia is a very delicate condition of mind and body. Reading the signs early can help prevent a potentially destructive disorder.

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