Anxiety and Night Sweats: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

by Symptom Advice on April 27, 2011

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Also known as nocturnal hyperhidrosis, night sweats is categorized as a perspiration disorder that typically takes place when the sufferer is sleeping. Its intensity ranges between mild and profuse.

Anxiety is the common cause of night sweats wherein it affects any individuals no matter what the age or gender is. however, studies have shown that anxiety night sweats are more prevalent in women compared to men. but experts have also discovered that this problem is more caused by psychological instead of physiological diseases. by continuing to read this article, you get to acquire more information about this condition.

A lot of people find it disconcerting if anxiety can really trigger night sweats. In fact, it does. Majority of individuals experience anxiety night sweats due to mental stress while there are also others suffering from this condition due to a medical disorder. Sufferers of this case become stressful and can’t seem to placate themselves due to their incessant thinking as to what causes this irksome condition.

Anxiety and night sweats are closely linked to one another since these two cases have parallel causes like tension, stress and worry. when the body wants to release tension and stress, it perspires. however, this is not always the case of anxiety night sweats. In fact, there are certain medications that can trigger this condition as a side effect. Anti-depressant drugs are one of them.

Manifestations and Causes

Waking up in the middle of the sleep drenched with a lot of sweat is the most common sign of anxiety sweating. other manifestations include hot flashes or waking up abruptly which can be caused by a terrible nightmare. when they wake up from having a bad dream, they become anxious, hence, leading to profuse sweating.

Menopause can also be a cause of anxiety night sweats due to different hormonal changes since it can make a woman anxious.

It is important for anxiety night sweats to be managed as soon as possible. Leaving this condition untreated can lead to other complications such as sleep disruptions or insomnia. This is because of the extreme level of discomfort being experienced.

Treatment Methods

The use of medications is superfluous as the first treatment method of anxiety night sweats. it can only be implemented as a last resort. Experts believed that the best treatment approach is to know the proper relaxation techniques to handle any stressful factors attacking the person. by knowing how to appropriately relax, you get to manage any kinds of tension and anxiety that you are feeling. every individual that is frequently encountering stress, anxiety as well as fear must habitually implement relaxation techniques everyday to help their mind calm down.

Aside from relaxation techniques, you can also join a session related to yoga exercises which is a great contributor of getting rid of anxiety night sweats. at home while you are resting, you can try to execute deep breathing exercises as well as meditation. Before going to bed, try to take a cool shower to help your body relax and soothe your mind. while lying down on your bed, never think of what happened during the day that can stress you out. if you can’t shirk yourself from thinking those things, try reading a book or listen to a mellow music.

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