Anyone here with bad uterine fibroids?

by Symptom Advice on December 3, 2010

Wondering if anyone wants to share their story of having a uterine fibroid bad enough to warrent surgery. what were your symptoms. Did you have mucus discharge and bleeding?

My fibroids aren't that bad (largest 6.5cm, 2 smaller ones at approx 2.5cm), and they're completely asymptomatic. having said that, the largest one is growing a little too fast, and in a little too many directions, and it's very close to the main artery. My doctor has said that if it grows much more it'll put pressure on the artery which may restrict the blood flow to and from the pelvis and legs, so while i've got no symptoms at the moment, i'll be having the uterine artery embolisation procedure pretty soon.
It's a little scary, especially because there are complications that can arise, and i'm only 25, and yet to have a family, but i think, the way you have to look at it is "is this condition sacrificing my way of life?" you need to weigh up the risks involved with surgery (taking into account the percentage of people who actually experience these) and the effect your fibroids are having or could have in everyday life.
Also, find a really good specialist. one whose opinion you truly value. Mine flatly said to me "i think we should deal with this now" and i trust him whole heartedly.

Good luck with whichever path you chose!

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