Are exercise asthma symptoms still present in humid conditions?

by Symptom Advice on February 10, 2011

Usually, I get chest discomfort and a lot of mucus/coughing/congestion. I exercised in a more humid area, and I still had discomfort but none of the other symptoms. is that still normal?

The triggers and symptoms of asthma vary widely from patient to patient. Asthma attack can be precipitated by an excessive physical exercise, and it is known as exercise induced asthma. Patients with "wet" asthma prefer stay in dryer air, so they use air condition or dehumidifiers; others with "dry" asthma prefer humid air, so they use humidifiers. To a certain extent, humidity helps liquefy mucus and phlegm, so it helps give some relief to air way obstructions.


Yeah…they normally are…did you notice after the humid conditions the mucous lifted a whole lot quicker/easier? as in one cough produced more?
if exercise is the trigger it will be present in all conditions!

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