Are there any foods that help relieve depression symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on December 1, 2010

Are there any foods that help relieve depression symptoms?

Thank you for any help.

Chocolate actually helps… in moderation. Chocolate releases some of the same endorphins in your brain that exercise does, which naturally makes you feel happier.

Strangely, salsa (hot peppers and cilantro) and chocolate

Carbs help, in my experience–a good sized bowl of pasta will lift your mood. Totally agree with the idea of a balanced diet, tho. Good luck to you–depression sucks.

Omega 3 fatty acids are known to help longterm relieve some depression symptoms. These can be found in fish, and many nuts, although you can also buy pills. Eating healthy will make your body feel better and give you the vitamins and minerals you need on a daily basis, giving you the best chance to recover quickly from depression symptoms.

Eating poorly to make yourself feel better will make your body feel worse, worsening depression symptoms, and just feeds the depression cycle. Good luck,..

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