Are there any medical conditions that have symptoms of a thirst for blood?

by Symptom Advice on April 29, 2011

I'm really asking this seriously. my friend is really freaking out because he has found all these website about vampires. he almost bit his girlfriend and he was going to do it hard enough to get blood. Now he is worried about it. I was just wondering if there were any medical conditions that could cause such an odd symptom. Please help. I don't need any "he is a vampire" answers. I just want possible medical conditions. Thanks

sounds like a low platlet count or some kind of anemia get a cbc

There is none. you can't possibly have a thirst for blood especially if you've not ever drank any. your friend is caught up in a lame fantasy, that's all. I doubt he will bite anyone and it's hard to bite anyone hard enough to draw blood and if you do there's a good chance their wound will get infected, or they will be infected themselves from drinking someone's body fluid. even the phrase 'thirst for blood' is just stupid. It sounds like someone thinks they're in a movie.

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