Are these sinus infection symptoms normal?

by Symptom Advice on December 12, 2010

I have a sinus infection on the left side. had it for almost 2 weeks now. still on my antibiotics (Bactrim) and should be done taking it in 4 days. I feel fine except a little pressure in my cheek area but I have been blowing my nose alot and noticing thick mucus and I am coughing up the same thick nasty mucus. is this normal? My biggest concern is hacking up the mucus from my chest.

This is normal. When mucus is cleared from the sinuses it drains down the back of your throat. then, coughing clears the gunk out of the windpipe and keeps it out of your lungs. Sinus drainage and coughing tend to go hand in hand. Mucus draining out of the sinuses has the potential to spread infection to the throat or into the bronchi, but at this point the antibiotics and your own immune system likely provide enough defense to keep the throat and bronchi clear of infection.

You WANT the mucus out. Coughing and blowing your nose are your body's way of clearing the infection from your body. This will eventually slow down as you heal. keep up the mucus clearance going!! better out than in!

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