Ask the Doctor » Blog Archive » Pancreatitis Can Be Fatal – 02/26/11

by Symptom Advice on March 10, 2011

Dear Dr. Garner,I was wondering if you could tell us a little about pancreatitis. Both my husband and I have experienced the pains and were diagnosed with pancreatitis. we would really appreciate it if you could tell us about the disease. Our favorite uncle also has pancreatitis but we believe it is due to his love of mr. Johnny Walker (blue -expensive tastes) we read your column a couple of weeks ago on gall bladder disease and it sounded quite similar to pancreatitis. Could you please tell us some more about this disease?Pancreatic Problems and Relatives in Prospect Park West

Dear Pancreatic,While not the most exciting of diseases, pancreatitis causes hosptiatlzition of about 200,000 people a year in the U.S. about 80,000 Americans suffer from the disease.When someone comes to the office complaining of upper abdominal pain, pancreatitis should be considered. we look for hints, such as heavy alcohol intake and gall bladder disease as these are found to cause the majority of cases.the name makes a lot of sense – pancreas referring to the large gland that is located just behind the stomach, and “itis” referring to swelling or inflammation of the gland.the pancreas serves two main purposes:- It helps to regulate sugar levels in the body, as it makes and releases insulin into the blood stream.- It helps in the digestion of food. in this role it makes very strong chemicals to help dissolve food. the problem in pancreatitis occurs, when the chemicals back up in the pancreas itself instead of being released into the intestines and actually starts eating the pancreas, actually destroying it.There are many factors that can cause the pancreas to malfunction. in addition to alcohol intake and gall bladder disease, certain medications such as antibiotics, injuries (car accidents, for example) and infections and tumors may bring on the disease.the symptoms that would cause one to seek medical attention include, tender abdomen, nausea, vomiting fever and a rapid pulse.Severe pancreatitis can cause dehydration and low blood pressure. the heart, lungs or kidney can fail. If bleeding occurs in the pancreas, shock and even death may occur.the condition is diagnosed by medical history, and a physical exam, as well as blood tests, x-rays and sonograms.Treatment for acute pancreatitis requires a few days stay in the hospital for IV fluids, antibiotics, and medication to relieve pain. the person cannot eat or drink so the pancreas can rest and recover. unless there are complications, acute pancreatic usually resolves in a few days. the pancreas and gall bladder are closely related and gallstones and pancreatitis may exist at the same time. Actually the gallstones can cause pancreatitis by blocking the tubes carrying the chemicals that the pancreas uses to help in digestion.sometimes the inflammation of the pancreas may become chronic. in this situation the pancreas disease gets worse over time and leads to permanent damage. the most common cause of chronic pancreatitis is heavy alcohol use. Chronic pancreatitis can be triggered by one acute attack that damages the pancreas and its tubes, or multiple attacks. Treatment of chronic pancreatitits may require hospitaliztion, IV fluid and fasting may be necessary. It is critical that people who develop chronic pancreatitis stop drinking. Symptoms of chronic pancreatic include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, diarrhea and oily stools.the bottom line is that while not as common as other causes of stomach pains, pancreatitis may be a very serious condition and can lead to death if not appropriately treated.Prompt diagnosis and treatment are critical in providing a good outcome. I hope this helps you better understand your condition.

* Reprinted with permission of the Tablet

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