Asthma Relief Could Be As Simple As Drinking More Water « Healthy Lifestyle

by Symptom Advice on March 3, 2011

It’s good for you, inexpensive and simple, but of the most often overlooked asthma relief remedies. Drinking enough pure water daily can actually help prevent and reduce asthma symptoms plus increase your general health and fitness. Dehydration produces a large amount of histamine, which creates back pain, inflamed joints, allergies and asthma. the lungs need water almost more than any other part of the body, when the body lacks sufficient water the lungs feel tight and sensitive. Staying properly hydrated by drinking enough pure water daily can actually prevent and decrease wheezing, coughing and other asthma symptoms as well as back pain, inflamed joints and allergies.

When your lungs are dehydrated, the free passage of air is obstructed so that water does not leave the body in the form of vapour. the mucous in the lungs becomes thick and sticky, making it difficult to breathe. this can lead to the wheezing and coughing or symptoms of asthma. Simply increasing your pure water intake to eight to ten eight ounce glasses daily will help prevent asthma attacks. Reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks by drinking at least one glass of filtered water every two hours. however, doctors warn that being overly enthusiastic and drinking water in excess of this amount is not helpful. keep in mind that Mom was right, it’s wise to do all things in moderation.

Many people won’t drink that much due to the inconvenience of frequent urination, but it’s a small price to pay for better health. If your urine is not a very pale yellow, or even clear, you are not getting enough water (taking B-complex vitamins will result in bright yellow urine).

Spring water, distilled or even filtered tap water, like Brita are all good, so choose whichever you prefer. Filtering your own water will help save money and the environment. You can oxygenate the water by shaking it hard for a minute before drinking. Using a stainless steel or glass container or any BPA free plastic is best.

Asthmatics also need to take more sea salt to break the mucus plugs in the lungs, which obstruct the free flow of air in and out of the air sacs. taking a pinch of sea salt after every two 8 ounce glasses of pure water is recommended. the salt is said to serve as a natural antihistamine and manage water distribution.

Taking responsibility for your own health and fitness is the first major step and the fact that you are reading this indicates that you may be interested in investigating alternative medicine or natural asthma relief for your asthma symptoms. the Dramatic Asthma Relief Report program is both a safe and highly effective asthma remedy.

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