At what level do the symptoms for low blood sugar start?

by Symptom Advice on December 27, 2010

I've been getting kind of lightheaded and jittery lately. I'm a type 2, and that's usually my first sign of lowering blood sugar. I usually didn't get that way until I was in the low 70s, but lately when I check, I'm usually in the 80s. Can you start noticing symptoms then, or could it be something else? Thanks!

It's different for each person.

If you're running high all the time (200+ mg/dL), then 150 mg/dL is going to feel hypoglycemic to you. Hypoglycemic symptoms and hypoglycemia itself are quite different, as the former really depends on what the average baseline blood sugar is, whereas the latter is defined by being <50 mg/dL in non-diabetic people.

So, yes, you can feel hypoglycemic in the 80s if your blood sugar is usually much higher than that. Also, consider the possibility that your meter isn't working properly and that you are dipping into the 70s or lower. I think that's more likely if your blood sugar averages are staying consistent.

If your blood sugar is creeping up a bit, you will start to experience the symptoms of low blood sugar, before it gets really really low. Your body gets used to your blood sugar being higher, and when it goes a bit lower, you feel those symptoms even though its not as low as it used to be for this to occur.

You may need to get your blood sugar down a bit. try to keep it under 140 at one hour after meals and under 120 at two hours after meals.

If your blood sugar is already under 140 at one hour and under 120 at two hours, then you probably don't need to worry about it. Feeling a bit shakey when your blood sugar starts to go low is not a bad thing, its a warning sign.

Some people have too tight control and lose the ability to tell when they are crashing. its better to feel it coming on than to not be able to tell.

We are all different. for example I have no symptoms when my sugar gets high. And I do mean high as in 300+.

When it is low I seldom have any light headedness. That comes if my blood pressure drops low. I do get the shakes around 45 – 50. for some reason the shakes I get are particularly unsettling for me.

If my sugar remained at 80 24/7 I would be the happiest camper you ever saw.

Are you monitoring your blood pressure? I would sooner think that was your problem as I just can't see any numbers over 65 or so causing your symptoms. if you aren't monitoring your BP perhaps you should start… a BP cuff is around $50 and do get the cuff. The wrist unit gets a pretty bad rap from my doctors. my wife has one but only because her arm is too big for a standard cuff. I have used it on myself to compare the reading and they are always different. The difference could be as much as 20% and it could be in either direction.

If all else fails, have a talk with your doctor. I know mine would want to know if I was having symptoms. he encourages me to use his email at any time. He's the only Dr. I ever had that did that.

It's different for everyone.

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