Autism, Asperger’s, ADHD: Different Symptoms, Same Cause? Part 3

by Symptom Advice on May 17, 2011

Posted on May 5th, 2011

My previous two blogs have described Functional Disconection Syndrome (FDS) and how it can lead to such conditions as ADHD, Asperger’s, Autism, depression, oppositional defiant disorder and more. we have defined FDS as an imbalance in the left and right lobes of the brain and how it occurs. what treatment options are there for balancing the brain and treating these behavioral and learning disorders?

The first step is to determine if the patient has a right or left brain disorder. this is typically done through a history and examination. Consult a doctor experienced in this functional neurologic examination. the next step is to determine specific ways to stimulate the affected hemisphere to balance it with its counter part. this sensory-motor stimulation is done initially in a clinic setting but later can be easily performed at home.

The type of stimulation will be determined by your doctor and is specific for the patient but can include olfactory (smelling), vision, light, sound, vestibular (balance) and motion exercises. this stimulation would target only one hemisphere of the brain by using the correct stimulation in a specific location on the body.

For example, it is not enough to determine that a child has an auditory processing disorder. It must also be determined if it is a left or right hemisphere deficiency. the right hemisphere deficiency is best stimulated using low-frequency sound while the left one is stimulated best by high-frequency sound.

Additionally, the left ear stimulates the right hemisphere and the right ear stimulates the left one. so for a right hemisphere deficient auditory processing disorder, we would use specific low frequency sounds and music in the left ear. the best part is children often don’t even realize they are receiving “therapy” while they listen with one ear phone to this music!

The results happen even faster when a patient begins to improve and several sensory-motor exercises can be combined at one time. Balancing on the left foot or doing a “figure 8″ motion with the left hand will stimulate the right hemisphere. Imagine the stimulation to the brain when we have a patient do these exercises while listening to right brain music in the left ear.

Once the correct diagnosis is made, there a variety of ways to  stimulate the correct hemisphere and balance the brain. in our office, we have used an interactive metronome, laser treatment, oxygen therapy, chiropractic adjustments and many other modalaties to balance the brain. many brain based exercises can be done at home as well.

We have seen exciting results at our clinic in treating behavioral and learning disorders. Patients should be encouraged that there is a drugless approach that works and is affordable if they are willing to participate in the therapy at home. Contact our clinic if you would like more information about this exciting therapy.

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