» Available Methods to Ease Colitis Symptoms Healthblog

by Symptom Advice on March 13, 2011

Inflammation of the colon is also known as colitis. This condition can be caused by lots of reasons but they people are much concerned about its symptoms.  If you’ve started to feel some of the known colitis symptoms, it’s vital to obtain immediate medical care from experts. Colitis happens in the colon with is also considered to be the center of digestion and production of byproducts.

Many symptoms can describe the occurrence of colitis in your colon. one of the usual colitis symptoms is the feeling of Tenesmus or continuous bowel movement sensation. apart from this sensation, abdominal pain is also among the prominent symptoms of this condition. Because of the inflammation, you may also have fever and chills as additional symptoms. there are some individuals who may have some blood on the stools.  It’s very vital for you to immediately take care of these symptoms to keep it from them from worsening through natural treatments.

If you want an effective way to cure the colitis symptoms naturally, you might want to switch to a liquid diet. This allows the colon to rest because there is less material that could be processed as stool. You should also take in more water. An excess intake of water is necessary especially if your colitis involves diarrhea. With each bowel movement from diarrhea, the body loses a significant amount of liquid. You should have a high fluid intake so that you that you would not suffer from dehydration and abdominal pains due to cramping.

Another way that you could get to treat the colitis symptoms naturally is to use a substance known as Aloe mucilaginous polysaccharide. This reduces the inflammation that you could get to feel with the colitis. It also provides relief from the discomfort of reflux. the substance also has its healing effects, so you could get to stop diarrhea resulting from colitis. It is also an effective detoxifier and it helps in increasing the immune system. although Aloe mucilaginous polysaccharide works, you should have a diet plan so that it would work as intended.

You could also use a potent natural antibiotic like wild oregano oil. You could use this along with probiotics and a low-sugar diet. This can really help you in treating the colitis as well as keep it from getting a relapse. aside from that, you could also use supplements that could get to repair your mucosal lining and intestinal wall. some of the supplements that you could use are L-glutamine, aloe vera, slippery elm, and many others.

One thing that you should remember when treating your colitis symptoms naturally is that the natural remedies do not heal the symptoms quickly. Rather, it takes some time for the treatments to take effect. however, the effects of the natural treatments usually last longer compared to the traditional medications, so you should really try it out if you want to totally get rid of your colitis and its symptoms.

This entry was posted on January 24, 2011 at 9:50 am and is filed under colitis. Tagged: colitis, colitis symptoms, colitis symptoms and treatment, colitis symptoms diet, ischemic colitis symptoms, lymphocytic colitis symptoms, mucous colitis symptoms, pseudomembranous colitis symptoms, symptoms for colitis, symptoms of colitis, ulcer colitis symptoms, ulcerative colitis symptoms. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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