Avian Flu Symptoms: Causes and Prevention of Avian Flu

by Symptom Advice on March 7, 2011

Avian Flu is a kind of influenza virus which affects the birds and can be transmitted to humans. the symptoms of avian flu are similar to any other flu and are associated with the following,

  1. High to moderate fever (normally above 100 degree Fahrenheit) is commonly associated with upper respiratory tract problems. Dry cough is a common symptom observed along with the fever.
  2. Sore throat, difficulty in breathing associated with intermittent attacks of breathlessness are associated with the condition
  3. Gastro-intestinal symptoms namely watery diarrhea along with abdominal colic are observed. Diarrhea may be associated with dehydration and the management should focus on reducing the symptoms of diarrhea which include weakness, fatigue, irritation, lack of concentration, lethargy, etc

The severity of the symptoms depends upon the age and underlying medical condition.

Avian flue comprises of a sub variant of influenza virus which is observed in birds. the avian flu strain is H5N1 virus strain. the transmission to humans occurs when an individual gets in contact with the bird. often, in populations that depend upon poultry for their livelihood, this infection is rampant, as the birds tend to excrete the virus along with their feces. When humans get in contact with these species, there is a high possibility of getting infected.

The transmission also occurs from humans to humans in the form of droplet nuclei. Sneezing, coughing or contact with the infected person can spread the disease rapidly.

There is no effective cure for the condition and hence prevention is the best option. Limited contact with birds, especially when they are dying can help prevent the condition. All precautions of covering the face with mask/handcheif, limiting contact with an infected person, etc are essential. Consuming cooked poultry doesn’t result in transmission of the disease.

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