Back Pain Sciatic Treatment and Effective Home Remedies

by Symptom Advice on April 5, 2011

Back pain is the cause of worry as it has become a global problem in growing adults.  The back pain can be classified in to lower back and upper back pain.  The lower back pain is more common as the lower part of back endures the maximum pressure during any physical activities and is more vulnerable to any damage.

The severity of back pain depends on the conditions that is causing.  lower back pain may be sudden or gradual and can be acute or chronic.  you have to know the back pain symptoms before you undergo any treatment.

Some of the most common known back pain symptoms are as follows:• Pain experienced during normal routine activities like bending, walking, sports etc.• Pain experienced during long sitting or standing postures.• Pain experienced while getting up from bed.• Stiffness experienced around the waist portion.• Pain radiating to the legs or upper arms.• Numbness or weakness felt in the lower limbs.• Pain experienced while coughing or sneezing.

If these lower back pain symptoms last for a brief period from few days to several weeks, the pain can be termed as acute. most of the back pains are temporary caused by wrong posture while sitting or standing, and excessive pressure on the adjoining muscles and ligaments that support the spinal cord. The back muscles are under extreme pressure while sitting on the chairs and if there is no adequate support to the spine and the result is acute back pain.  if you lift heavy objects, then a ligament or muscle tear can occur and the result is back pain. Sciatica exercises to relieve pain can be used to relieve this kind of back pain problems.

If the back pain symptoms lasts for longer than three months and radiate to the lower limbs then the pain is termed chronic.  if the pain is caused by serious injury to the spine, kidney, or due to cancer or severe damage, then a thorough investigation and medical assistance is needed. Back pain sciatica treatment is a treatment that can still relieve chronic type of back pain.

In cases, when pain radiates to the hips and legs and if associated with a tingling sensation or numbness, then immediate medical care must be provided.  In cases of compression of nerves in the lower spine occurs then emergency surgery is required to decompress the nerves.

If you neglect or ignore the mild acute back pain symptoms then these will become chronic.  if these symptoms are treated at an earlier stage, you can prevent yourself from further damage to your spinal cord.

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