Banner Estrella expert: Valley fever common in Arizona

by Symptom Advice on January 3, 2011

Question: What exactly is valley fever and how is it transmitted? does it need to be treated?

Answer: For people new to Arizona or who are unfamiliar with valley fever, it’s a fungal infection specific to the hot and dry climate of the Southwest. the fungus that causes valley fever thrives in the desert soil. When the soil is stirred up, highly contagious spores become airborne and can be inhaled or ingested.

Valley fever usually infects the lungs, but can also affect other areas of the body, such as the brain, causing meningitis. Symptoms, when noticeable, usually include fever, coughing, chest and body aches, fatigue and shortness of breath, much like pneumonia. a red rash is also common.

Most people do not experience notable symptoms and never know they had the infection. Still, severe infections can occur, especially in those with certain risk factors, such as women who are pregnant, older adults, and people with diabetes or weakened immune systems.

Doctors often test for and diagnose valley fever using blood tests or sputum cultures. Treatment, other than rest, is generally not necessary. But, people with more serious cases may be prescribed antifungal medications.

Wearing masks when working outdoors, wetting soil before digging, dusting your home regularly with a damp cloth, and closing windows and staying indoors during dust storms are a few methods to minimize exposure to valley fever.

Dr. Varsha Dandavate is an internal medicine physician and infectious disease specialist on staff at Banner Estrella Medical Center. For more, talk to your doctor, or call 602-230-CARE.

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