Be aware of the signs of bladder cancer

by Symptom Advice on April 18, 2011

The most common cancer of the bladder is known as transitional cell carcinoma. The transitional cell is the cell that lines the bladder and is supposed to normally be there. Thus it stands to reason that sometimes something can go wrong with this particular cell and cause cancer. other types of bladder cancer are adenocarcinoma which is a type of cancer that can occur in other parts of the body as well. It occurs in tissue that usually release mucus. The third type of bladder cancer is known as a squamous cell carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinomas can occur in other parts of the body as well. The most common site for a squamous cell carcinoma is the skin.

It is known that tobacco is one of the leading causes of bladder cancer.

Thus to prevent bladder cancer, a person should stop smoking. other causes of bladder cancer can be chemicals such as dyes, rubber, and chemicals that are used in leather industries. These chemicals can also be found in printers, hairdressers, and painters. a family history of bladder cancer can indicate that a family member may have more of a risk than average.

The leading symptoms in bladder cancer are:

Finding blood in the urine. many times this blood cannot even be seen by the naked eye but can be picked up when a person sees their doctor and a urinalysis is done.

Feeling the need to empty the urinary bladder without results.

There are nonspecific kinds of symptoms. In fact, these symptoms can appear in many different conditions of the bladder besides cancer. they include an urge to empty the bladder, urinary frequency which is having to urinate more than usual, straining to urinate, and pain when urinating.

Once the diagnosis of bladder cancer is made, there are a number of very effective treatments. If a person is having any symptoms especially if they are a smoker, they should see their family doctor for a complete evaluation.

Dr. Gordon J. Rafool is a specialist in Family Practice and Geriatrics at Gessler Clinic, Winter Haven, FL.

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