Becoming Aware Of First Pregnancy Symptoms

by Symptom Advice on December 10, 2010

First pregnancy is a wonderful experience, as it heralds the impending arrival of your baby. it is important to be able to recognize the first pregnancy sign symptoms. given below are the first week signs of pregnancy, so that you can contact your doctor as soon as you notice them.first pregnancy is a great event that most women look forward to with happy anticipation. however, do you know as to what are the sign symptoms of first pregnancy? most women are aware that a missed menstrual period is indicative of pregnancy, but it could also occur due to several other reasons. The first pregnancy sign symptoms exhibit themselves both on the physical level and on the mental level. in order to gain knowledge regarding symptoms and signs of first pregnancy, you should read books and articles and even go on the Internet. Physical Symptoms of first PregnancyMost symptoms of first pregnancy arise out of the release of pregnancy hormones, estrogen, and progesterone in the woman’s body. these hormones affect the breasts that begin to grow and feel tender. Besides becoming fuller and heavier, the breasts might start to tingle or become sore. Tiny spots begin to appear around the nipples and the breasts change to get ready for producing milk.Non-physical Symptoms of first PregnancyThe first week signs of pregnancy on the non-physical level include the reduction of energy level, resulting in fatigue. The main reason for this condition is that the body has to work harder for producing more blood and hormones, so that nutrients can be carried to the fetus. The heart also has to work more to take care of the higher flow of blood. Progesterone is produced in greater amounts, leading to listlessness and sleepy feeling.Implantation BleedingYou can become aware of first pregnancy, if you find implantation bleeding. This is a first week sign of pregnancy and it occurs due to fertilized egg being attached to the lining of the uterus, due to which blood flows out of the body. This discharge is lighter than menstrual blood and cramping takes place due to the enlargement of the uterus.The symptoms of first pregnancy get complicated, when implantation bleeding is accompanied with morning sickness or nausea. The increase in the production of estrogen causes these first trimester pregnancy symptoms.Other Symptoms of first PregnancyApart from morning sickness, the other symptoms of first pregnancy include the following: Frequent Urination: this is the result of the uterus getting enlarged and pushing on the bladder.

Constipation: Digestion becomes slower, because the food passes through the gastrointestinal tract more slowly.

Headaches: Blood circulation has to increase, due to a higher production of pregnancy hormones and this causes headaches.

Mood swings: in the first trimester of pregnancy, mood swings take place due to hormone-related changes, which might range from deep gloom to elation.

Higher basal temperature: the oral temperature is higher in the morning soon after ovulation and it continues like this until the next period. these are the first pregnancy symptoms and if you start experiencing any of them, you should visit your doctor even if you have not yet missed a period. when you become aware of your pregnancy, you might even become very apprehensive of what is going to happen and how you are going to cope with the same. if you recognize the symptoms of first pregnancy, you can become fully prepared to face the most wonderful event of your life – the birth of your baby.By: Saurabh K Jain

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