Beta Blockers For Anxiety Treatment

by Symptom Advice on January 23, 2011

Beta blockers are prescription drugs used to treat heart conditions. Due to the heart palpitations that anxiety can produce, these may help to reduce these symptoms. Beta blockers combat stress by masking many of the symptoms of stress.

It is worth pointing out that beta blockers do not remedy stage fright. Many people have been taking beta blockers for that particular purpose but any benefits in doing so are all in the mind. Beta blockers can only reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety; they will never cure the anxiety itself.

They are more of a tool to help anxiety sufferers regain control of themselves. Beta blockers can produce side effects and these vary greatly from person to person. not all individuals experience the same side effect but for those who do, the most common side effects include fatigue, cold hands, weakness and dizziness. a very small percentage pf people using beta blockers may encounter extremely adverse side-effects such as loss of appetite and sex drive, depression, breathing issues and sleep problems.

Before taking Beta blockers for anxiety you should consult a doctor and obtain a prescription. you should discuss the potential side effects which the pills may bring on. It is also be worth noting that if a patient wants to discontinue the use of beta blockers for anxiety, it should be done under the direction of a medical professional otherwise, the patient may experience more complications.

Because of these restrictive factors, it is wise to avoid beta blockers for anxiety treatment except as a temporary measure. Natural cures for anxiety should be sought, such as yoga, meditation, herbs and supplements as these no not produce negative side effects. they also go a long way to curing the anxiety rather than just suppressing the symptoms. Anxiety eliminated via natural methods tend to produce longer lasting results and patients end up with a better disposition than they previously had before they suffered from their anxiety disorder.

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