Bipolar Disorder Causes: Why Is There A Need To Know Them?

by Symptom Advice on December 7, 2010

Bipolar disorder is otherwise known as manic depressive illness. this is a mental condition that commonly happens to the Americans. With all the stressors of life, the number of sufferers from this condition increases dramatically.

Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric illness in which one faces unpredictable mood swings. These mood swings range from depressive symptoms to manic symptoms. It is not necessary to label a depressed person as someone who has a bipolar disorder where episodes of mania are insufficient.

Basically, there are two types of bipolar disorders which are known as type I and type II. Their determinants rely on the amount of manic and depressive episodes. before a person is called a full-blown mania, he should manifest signs of mania for a week and depressions for a period of two weeks.

One should show signs of mania and depression before undergoing diagnosis. The following are the symptoms of mania: self-esteem, talkative, flight of ideas, unstoppable buying sprees, and many more.

Now, it is important that we should learn the possible bipolar disorder causes. It is vital to learn the different bipolar causes as this will help us learn the possible treatments for the said condition. however, we should also keep in mind that there is not enough certainty about the bipolar disorder causes. But there is a hypothesis that patients are genetically predisposed. some of the probable bipolar disorder causes also include the theory of deficiency of other chemical transmitters and neurostructural changes.

With all the mentioned theories about the possible bipolar disorder causes, there are some effective ways to manage this kind of mental condition. The treatments available in the treatment of bipolar disorder include lithium, carbamazepine, and valproic acid. however, the use of lithium may cause possible side effects like hypothyroidism, tremor, and neutrophilia. Blood of a patient undergoing lithium medication should be well-monitored. The effects will not show up until 7 to 10 days of treatment.

there are also therapies that can help overcome bipolar disorder. some of them are cognitive behavior therapy, yoga therapy, and herbal medicines. These procedures are induced naturally without the chemical contents that can cause side effects.

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