Bladder Infection Symptoms: Someone's playing your trombone, seriously!

by Symptom Advice on January 28, 2011


If you watch any ad selling a health-related product which is related to germs, infection and the like, there's always a party going on, with laughing, chatting and the playing musical instruments and so on and so forth.

With the advent of CGI, most of these ads have some really freaky looking germs that not only flash wicked grins but come up with the proverbial plot laughter that just cannot be taken seriously…

What are we? Freakin' stupid or a serious lack of creativity (and taste) on the part of the advertisers in thinking that they are soliciting their products to schoolkids whose entire world revolves the word 'candy' (that's cute, though).

Yeah, yeah… especially when bacteria such as E. Coli multiplies and colonizes itself in your bladder, you won't be jumping around for joy when you take a piss alright. and there's won't be any laughing when they're "playing your trombone", if you know what I mean…

Bladder Infection

Normally, this delightful state that I just mentioned is known as "cystitis", that is an infection of the urinary bladder of which one of the most common urinary tract infection symptoms is that "painful sensation" when you need to take a piss.

(Watch Tom Hanks in "the Green Mile" if you have your doubts)

However, this infection is contracted by women and the elderly much more than men, and here's why:

While almost 20 to 40 percent of women get cystitis in their lifetime, this type of infection is due to having a short urethra (in being too close to their anus), and in not paying enough attention in cleaning themselves from front to back towards the anus. Cleaning themselves the other way around will lead bacteria from their anus to the urethra, where the chances of getting a bladder infection increases exponentially.

Pregnant and postmenopausal women along with those who are doing that thing like doing most during their honeymoon are more likely to contract cystitis.

Interestingly, women who use deodorants in the area of the genitals can also contract cystitis.

Those with an enlarged prostate (wonder if our porn stars are paying attention, and all the folks who are trying to enlarge their penises… haha) aren't able to empty their bladder completely, prevalent especially among older males. Congenital deformity (at birth) of the urinary system is another reason. and this list would be incomplete without the proverbial oversexed males who have contracted STDs such as Gonorrhea and chlamydia.

Basically anyone who uses a catheter and those who take antidepressants will have bacteria in their bladder which will definitely lead to an infection. so these two types have to drink a lot of water so that you empty your bladder properly.

But if it's too late, here are the symptoms that one can be mindful of, that indicate the presence of a bladder infection.

Symptoms of a Bladder Infection

1) Burning sensation or pain while urinating

2) Foul-smelling and cloudy urine

3) An increase in the frequency of urination

4) Pain above the pubic bone

5) Irritation, vomiting, reduced appetite and weakness are symptoms amongst children

6) Blood in the urine

7) Symptoms such as weakness, falls, confusion and fever in the case of older women

In Closing

And after writing this piece myself, I'm only a few steps away from "shitting my pants"… forget about getting "pissed off" about these dumb health product ads!


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