Breast Cancer symptoms other than the ones that revolve around the breasts themselves?

by Symptom Advice on March 4, 2011

is there any symptoms for example vomiting or sickness?
ect can you give me all of them?
i know the symptoms that revolve around the breasts themselves but is there any others that dont?

I don't know about vomiting, but for about four years before my diagnosis I was exhausted. as soon as I arrived home from work I would have to go straight to bed and I would sleep for two hours.
I also had tenderness on the side of my breast for a long time.

There would be other symptoms like you describe only if the breast cancer had metastasized to another organ. Which would open up an ENDLESS array of symptoms.

Otherwise, breast cancer symptoms all occur in the breast.

a swelling or lump in the arm pit
always visit g.p. if you find lumps
Beast wishes

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